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Passover Timeline
Old Testament Night Day
Sundown Midnight Daylight Sundown
Ex 12:6 Lamb killed after sundown Ex 12:29 Death passes over Israel. Ex 12:22 Israelites leave their homes
Ex 12:7 Blood placed on the doors Ex 12:29 Death of the Firstborn of the Egyptians Ex 12:36 Plundered Egyptians all day
Ex 12:8 Lamb roasted & eaten
Sundown Midnight Daylight Sundown
13th Abib
Passover starts Lev 23:5
Passover Day Ist Day ULB
Daylight Evening of 14th Abib Daylight of 14th Abib Eve 15th Abib
Sundown Midnight Daylight Wednesday 9am 3pm Sundown
Joh Placed in tomb
Joh 19:42 before sunset
19:39 Christ taken from stake
Joh 19:30 Christ dies 3pm
Jews killing lambs/cattle for 1st Day UB
Joh 19:18 Christ Placed on Stake 9am
Joh 19:1 Christ Mocked & Beaten
Joh18:28 In Pilates Court
Joh 18:19 Before the High Priest
Joh 18:12 Arrest in Gethsemane Preparation Day for the 1st Annual Sabbath Mark 15:42
Joh 18:1 Christ goes to Garden
Joh 14 Final Words - Supper
1 Cor 11:26 Bread & Wine
Joh 13:12 New Testament Passover Service- Foot Washing
Joh 13:2 Lamb roasted & eaten No longer required
Lamb killed after sundown - No longer required
Sundown Midnight Daylight Wednesday Sundown
New Testament
Passover was completely fulfilled by Jesus Christ on the 14th Abib -He Died on Wednesday 25th April 31 AD.

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