HTML Preview Daily School Schedule page number 1.

7:00 Before-school program starts
7:30 Office opens
7:45 Grade 7/8 teachers’ and administrative staff day
begins; 7/8 students enter the building.
Breakfast begins for grades 7/8.
K-6 students may enter the building at 7:45 a.m. to wait
in the cafeteria only. Students are not allowed to go
to their lockers or classroom without permission from
Mr. Concannon or Mrs. Carpentio.
7:55 Breakfast ends for grades 7/8
8:00 First period begins for 7/8; students marked tardy
after this time.
7:45 -8:10 Breakfast for grades K-6
8:10 K-6 day begins. Gr. 2-4 students line up in lobby. Kindergarten
teachers meet students outside back door
8:15 K-6 bell rings; teachers walk students upstairs
8:20 School begins for K-6; students marked tardy after
this time
2:10 Kindergarten is dismissed
2:15 Gr. 1-6 students are dismissed
2:20 Dismissal-grades 7&8
3:30 Office Closes
Early release day dismissal at 12:30 for all grades
Recess is outdoors all year unless it is very cold, there is inclement weather, or
conditions outside are dangerous. Whenever possible,
indoor recess will be in the gym. Teachers supervise recess for 15 minutes at the
following times:
10:30 Kindergarten
11:30 Grade 1
12:00 Grade 2
12:15 Grade 4
12:45 Grade 3
11:55 Grades 5 & 6

I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them! | C.J. Walker