HTML Preview Medical Complaints Hints & Tips page number 2.

The Village Medical Centre
Patient Complaints Template Sheets
Outline Complaint Letter
(INSERT) Your address
(INSERT) Name of Practice Manager
Surgery/Centre address
Dear (INSERT) name of Practice Manager, if known. If not just address them by their job title.
Re: (INSERT) Patient's name, date of birth, address
[introduction: setting the scene]
I am writing to complain about the treatment/care I received from [name(s) of staff (if known)] while
at [place where incident happened] on [date of incident].
[Acting on behalf of the patient: set the scene]:
I am writing on behalf of [insert name of patient], who has asked me to act on their behalf. They
have countersigned this letter to confirm that I am authorised to act as their representative, and to
confirm their agreement with its contents.
[Summarise the complaint]
Give a brief description of what happened. If you need to provide a detailed diary or list of
events its a good idea to direct the reader to an attached sheet rather than include it in the main
text of the letter.
Give details of why you are not satisfied. If you want to complain about a number of matters,
you should list the most important ones first. Try to be clear and brief.
Provide specific questions and statements to help the Manager focus on what matters to you
Include specific questions about the issues you would like the Manager to answer. List these in
order of importance.
You should also make a statement about what outcome you are looking for and what you would
like to happen as a result of your complaint. For example, people are often looking for an
explanation about why or how an incident could have happened or reassurances from the Doctor
about how the service will be changed to make sure no one ever goes through what you have
been through.
Include a statement of how you would like the Manager to take your complaint forward. If you
have a preference, you should state whether you would like to participate in a Local resolution
meeting, an investigation to be carried out (or a mixture of both).
I look forward to receiving your reply.
Yours sincerely
(INSERT) Your signature

If you see a bandwagon, it’s too late. | James Goldsmith