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Name: John Smith
Institution: Research University
Department: Biology
Building: Laboratory I Room: 333
Street: 111 Main Street
City: Smithville
State: KY Postal Code: 22222-3333
Date:05/01/05 Quote No: RUN111
Phone: 859-123-4567 Fax: 859-123-4568
(Valid for 60 days)
Custom Polyclonal Antibody Service
ECM Biosciences offers custom rabbit polyclonal antibody services. These services can include screening of antibodies in
any of several applications, such as ELISA, Western blot, immunhistochemistry, or function blocking. We have extensive
experience developing phospho-specific antibodies, and highly recommend that you include our proprietary purification
service for these antibodies. We guarantee that your custom antisera and purified antibody will recognize the immunogen
If you would like to proceed, please select a project: Partial (immunogen provided by researcher), Peptide immunogen, or
Phospho-Peptide immunogen. In the full service, ECM will provide purified antibody (usually 1-5 mg), antigen peptide
(>70% purity, 1-2 mg), and electronic ELISA and Western blot data. Full services are completed within 6-7 months. If
you are interested in less than the full service described, select only those items you would like on the left. In addition, we
have reduced pricing for services that include multiple peptide immunogens.
Partial Peptide Phospho-Peptide
Immunogen Design NA $150 $150
Peptide Synthesis NA 500 800
Carrier Conjugation NA 150 150
Immunization & Bleeds 800 700 700
Sera Affinity Purification* 400 400 600
ELISA Screening 100 100 100
Western Blot Screening
_200 200 _300
Total (full service) $1500 $2200 $2800
*60-75 ml antisera affinity purified, phospho-peptide service includes negative purifications
over unphosphorylated and non-specific sites.
Lysates for Western blotting provided by researcher.
Other application screening will be quoted based on the needs of the customer.
Below is our custom project information form. Please provide the information requested regarding your custom antibody
project. If you are not requesting the immunogen design, but need peptide synthesis, please include all information
pertaining to the sequence of your immunogen. Both forms can be
e-mailed to customer service at ECM Biosciences.
Please contact us should you have any questions.
Best Regards,
Customer Service
telephone: 859-879-2075
toll-free: 1-800-859-8202
tech: info
Rev 04/06

People are best convinced by things they themselves discover. | Ben Franklin