Templates and policies from HRDownloads.com are provided for clients of our service. Customers may use this
document as is, or as a starting point for their own documents. HRDownloads.com assumes no responsibility for the
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policies or procedures at your organization.
Equipment Damage / Loss / Theft Report Form
(Company Name) employees are required to report any damage, loss or theft of
(Company Name) owned and operated equipment as soon as possible and submit a
completed copy of this form within (XXXX) hours of the incident.
Please note that where an injury occurs as a result of any damage, loss or theft of
(Company Name) owned and operated equipment, employees are required to report the
incident immediately, and submit a completed Incident Report and Investigation Form.
Damage / Loss / Theft - Reported By
Employee Name: Employee Number:
Position/Title: Department:
Company Phone: Company Email:
Incident Information
Incident Date (dd/mm/yy): ___/___/___ Time of Incident (24 hour clock):
Reported on: ___/___/___ Time Reported (24 hour clock):
Supervisor: Building/Area: Specific Location:
Equipment Information
List of Equipment
Damaged / Lost / Stolen
(Please Specify)
Equipment Identification
Equipment Location at
Time of Damage / Loss