Community Case Management Service Limited. Nanny/Housekeeper Job Description. August 2016
Job Description: Nanny/Housekeeper
Responsible To: Case Manager Jane Hammond-Hawkins
Job Summary:
The Nanny / Housekeeper will work within the client’s home and in the community
as required. This is a live-out position and meals and refreshments will be taken
with the children/family on a day to day basis. A case manager is also in place and
will offer the nanny support and direction. The family consists of a father who works
in the city, a mother who is based at home and four school aged children; two
children have high level Aspergers.
A multi-disciplinary team (MDT) is in place to support the eldest daughter, who has
an acquired brain injury and mobility difficulties following a road traffic accident.
The mother was also involved in the same accident and has suffered an acquired
brain injury. Due to these difficulties we require a Nanny/housekeeper to assist the
mother to run an organised household that supports the rehabilitation programme of
the eldest daughter.
The Responsibilities of the Nanny element of the role
To support the mothers’ skills, confidence and independence in parenting, as
far as possible, within the limitations of her disability.
To provide an organised structure to the household that provides consistent
strategies regarding childcare for all four children.
To provide childcare to supplement aspects of parenting that the Mother finds
difficult to do unaided.
To provide childcare when the mother is fatigued and needs to rest during
the day.
To assist the mother to effectively manage any challenging behaviours from
the children using strategies identified by the treating therapists.
To encourage and facilitate the normal development of the children through
play and contact with peers.
To assist the mother to provide the children with age appropriate stimulation
and leisure and social activities.
To assist the mother to take the children out to various activities.
To promote a daily routine for the children that will promote their health and
wellbeing, in collaboration with the mother, e.g. activity and rest, bedtime
routines, meals etc.
To maintain a safe environment for the children.