Friends of Ibba Girls School, UK registered Charity No. 1146220
Friends of Ibba Girls School Volunteers
By completing this form you are agreeing to have your details stored on a
database held by the Friends of Ibba Girls School (FIGS). You will receive
information about the work of both the volunteer group and the wider FIGS
You are not committing your time to any events or activities; however you will
be sent regular information about FIGS, volunteer meetings and opportunities.
This will give you the ability to decide what capacity you have to support the
work of FIGS at that time and sign up to activities or projects that are
convenient and of interest to you.
Please print your details neatly.
Other information:
Experience, work, role, availability
77 Styvechale Avenue, Coventry, West Midlands, CV5 6DW Tel:!02476!715655!!!!!! !@IbbaSchool! !! !!!! !!!!!@ibbag ir lss ch ool!