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Example of an agenda for an Annual General Meeting
The agenda of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will depend on the legal structure of
the organisation, how actively it has been operating over the past year and how much
engagement the board is seeking from the owners.
A basic agenda might include
1. Minutes from the last Meeting
2. Appointment of a new Trustee (which might not need to be done at a meeting or
can be done at a special meeting)
3. The Annual Accounts
4. Any current or planned projects or current issues.
The only business required at an AGM for a company registered under the Companies
Act is:
1. The appointment of an auditor
2. Fixing the auditors remuneration.
3. Other business at the annual meeting usually includes
a. Consideration of the financial statements
b. The election of directors.
It is not however, unusual, particularly in Maori organisations, for the AGM to be used as
an opportunity for the board and the owners to discuss the strategic direction of the
organisation, how and why decisions have been made and future factors that may
influence the direction and performance of the organisation.
Whatever the type of agenda chosen for the AGM, preparation is vital so that the
meeting runs smoothly and achieves what it needs to. In particular, the Chair needs to
be well-briefed and prepared to manage the meeting so that it meets its objectives.
Here is an example of what could be expected of the Chair at an AGM:
Procedure for an Annual General Meeting; Notes for the Chair
Call the meeting to order
Introduce yourself
Welcome all to the second/third. twentieth etc Annual General Meeting of XYZ
Introduce other directors/trustees
Declare any apologies from directors
Chairman to say:
“I confirm that under the Constitution/Trust Deed of XYZ we have a quorum and I
declare the meeting of shareholders/beneficiaries properly constituted.”

Long–range planning works best in the short term. | Doug Evelyn