HTML Preview Real Estate Newsletters For Agents page number 1.

Winter 2008-2009
Division of
& P
& P
John R. Kasich
Governor of Ohio
Andre T. Porter
Director of Commerce
Anne M. Petit
Spring 2014 Issue
Spring 2014 Issue
continued on page 2
A Look Back and Looking Forward for the Ohio Division of
Real Estate & Professional Licensing
by Superintendent Anne Petit
Anne M. Petit
In this Issue....
Superintendent Anne Petit .......................1-3
Name Reservation ...................................... 3
10-Hour Post Licensure Course ..................3
Broker License Number .............................. 3
Ancillary Trustees .........................................4
Student Loan Availability ............................ 4
Helpful Tips for Appraisers Licensees ........ 5
Did You Know? Cemeteries ........................ 5
Ohio Development Services Agency Offers
Incentive for Vacant Buildings .................... 6
BEWARE: Seminars That Teach
Unlicensed Real Estate Activity ................. 6
RE Disciplinary Actions ............................ 7-8
Appraiser Disciplinary Actions.................... 8
Service Awards ............................................ 9
Contact Information ..................................... 9
So, that old “chestnut” that always caused me to roll my eyes and laugh – you know the
one about time going faster the older you get – is TRUE! 2013 basically evaporated
before my eyes. As I write this, we are already two weeks into May 2014, and I’m
left to contemplate a year full of changes, continued improvement, idea development
and adaptation. I am proud of the work the Division completed in 2013 as we strived
to make the experience for our customers – YOU – better and more ef cient. We have
experienced numerous changes already this year and I know there are more to come in
2014, but I believe that, in the end, they will be bene cial for us all.
Looking back, we streamlined our forms to make them more user-friendly; the Licensing
Structure Task Force completed its initial mission and sent a full report of its ndings
to the Ohio Real Estate Commission; we crafted accommodations for military licensees
and continue to do so in 2014; and appraiser assistants were required to register under a
supervisor for the rst time, just to name a few of the bigger changes!
As many of you saw, the market, and therefore the industry, saw
a nice resurgence. Many of you were faced with the problem of
there just not being enough inventory to satisfy your clients - that
problem has now led to bidding wars and concern about how to
handle contemporaneous offers in several markets. I think we
all agree that it is a nice problem to have compared to where we
were a few short years ago, however such situations present you
as the licensee with new and potentially problematic issues. So,
when approached by the Ohio Association of Realtors to help
address the contemporaneous offer dilemma, we collaborated
on new draft language to guide you successfully through the
potential pitfalls.
So far this year, the Division is feeling the “growing pains” of
a re-energized housing market in a very different way. We have
processed the highest number of new broker and salesperson
applications since 2007, with a total of 2823 new licensees in
just those two areas last year! It appears that 2014 is holding to
that pace: the rst four months have yielded 1,082 new licensees.
Even the number of cemeteries coming into compliance by
registering is up signi cantly – 56 in just the past year to bring
the number of registered cemeteries in Ohio to 3, 592. Taking
steps to ensure our appraiser professionals are aware of upcoming
federal requirements, including working to adopt regulations for
Appraisal Management Companies, are also a top priority for us.

Ideas in secret die. They need light and air or they starve to death. | Seth Godin