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Personal Statement Sample: Graduate School
My interest in science spans as far back as I can remember. As a child, I played with my
father's magnifying glass, inspecting leaves, grass, bugs, and anything else I could find
in my backyard. My love of investigation increased further in high school. I enrolled, and
excelled, in honors science courses, with a particular fondness for biology.
I continued my biology studies at California State University Northridge, where I was
exposed to a wide range of courses. While I enjoyed these courses, I still wasn't sure on
what I wanted to focus my studies. It wasn't until my semester abroad in Ecuador,
where I studied the ecosystems and plant communities, that I discovered my true
passion. I was fascinated with the experiments I conducted on the ecosystems. I
focused my studies on ecology and plant life, excelling in these courses, and will
graduate this May with a B.S. in Environmental Biology.
In my last semester as an undergraduate, I am working on an honors project on tropical
plant life. I am also a Research Assistant for the Biology department, aiding Professor X
on his project on Ecuadorian ecosystems. As his assistant, I am conducting
experiments on plant life and contributing research theories for his book. Professor X
has been so impressed with my work that he has offered me a summer assistant
I hope to continue my studies in plant life and believe that Cornell's Graduate Field of
Horticulture can best help me excel and follow my dreams. By continuing my education
in a graduate program, I can gain more hands-on experience alongside esteemed
professors before venturing out into the real world. I hope to emphasize my studies in
Horticultural Biology and specifically study tropical ecosystems. After I earn my Ph.D. in
Horticultural Biology, I intend on working in the area of research for a private industry.
Utilizing the skills I have learned during my undergraduate courses and as a Research
Assistant, it is at Cornell that I believe I can make the greatest contribution to current
and future studies in ecology.

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. | Theodore Roosevelt