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7403 Lone Tree Road, Victoria, Texas 77905 361.580.3700
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 1, 2015
EXPIRES: August 31, 2016
BETWEEN Conference & Education Center at VC’s Emerging Technology Complex (“CENTER”) and
_______________________________________________ (“CATERER”)
WHEREAS, it has been determined by the CENTER that high standards for food and service must be established and
maintained in the CENTER, and WHEREAS, to insure the satisfactory performance of those standards, it has been
further determined that only those CATERERs who enter into this Agreement shall be allowed to cater food for events
in the CENTER; NOW, THEREFORE, the Centers do hereby approve and authorize said CATERER to cater food for
events in the CENTER subject to the following rights and conditions:
CATERER may be hired by the CENTER or the facility’s client.
The Conference & Education Center shall maintain a list of caterers who have entered into this Agreement and shall
provide this list to all persons scheduling any event for which catering services may be needed, but shall not
recommend any approved caterer over another similarly approved caterer. The CENTER reserves the right to promote
and provide its own food and beverage services as part of its sales package.
Hiring by CENTER:
CENTER will initiate a Request for Catering outlining event details. CATERER will sign confirmation and
CATERER is a vendor of Victoria College. Payment by CENTER is initiated through a Purchase Order.
CATERER invoices should include a detailed menu.
The CENTER will confirm guest count 10 days in advance and will pay for the guarantee ordered.
The CATERER shall comply with all standards, ordinances, laws, and regulations, which may regulate such
service under this Agreement and shall secure all permits or licenses that may be required. The CATERER
shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning employment and non-discrimination. The
CATERER, its agents and employees, being a support group for the CENTER’s operations, shall practice
good public relations while working at the CENTER.

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. | Albert Einstein