HTML Preview Employee Training Schedule page number 1.

New Employee Training Schedule
Day 1 | Monday
8:00 Welcome & Connect
8:30 FORUM Story
w/ Doug True
9:30 CU vs. Bank
9:40 Goals & Projections
w/ Jeff Welch
10:15 Putting it Together
w/ Jenny Budreau
11:00 Service Revolution
w/ Chris Ferguson
12:00 Lunch (Provided)
1:00 Personal Finance
2:30 Products
4: 00 Branch Scavenger Hunt
Day 2 | Tuesday
8:00 Connect & Review
8:20 Employee Perks
8:30 Project FORUMway
9:00 Employee Policies
w/ Anne Wiseman
9:30 HQ Amazing Race
11:00 GLOP
w/ Jim Moran
11:30 Executive Q&A
w/ Andy Mattingly,
Mike Peterson &
Cameron Piercefield
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Intro to Technology
2:45 Data Security
3:00 Time Cards & Benefits
w/ Tracy Fitzgerald
Day 3 | Wednesday
8:00 Connect & Review
8:30 The Pulse
8:45 Bank Secrecy Act
*You will join your work team around 9:15.
Day 4 | Thursday
8:00 Connect & Review
8:30 Workplace Conduct
& Ethics Training
9:15 Benefit Q&A
*You will join your work team around 9:30.
Day 5 | Friday
8:00 Connect & Review
8:45 Diversity & Inclusion Training
*You will join your work team around 9:45.

A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost. | Unknown