A Project is a focused area of work that a member decides to enroll in each year. Several members working in
the same subject matter area become a project group under the guidance of a volunteer 4-H project leader. A 4-
H club can include several project groups. An individual member may be the only person enrolled in a
particular project.
Within the project, members learn things to do, things to make and things to explore.
This calendar is to help volunteers plan their project. The actual time of the year that you begin your project
meetings will depend on the project you are leading, and the time you have to give. Please keep this calendar as
a reference.
August – September Commit to lead the project. Complete a Volunteer Leader Application form.
Order project leader materials so that you can begin planning the project.
Literature order forms are available in the 4-H Clover. Look over project
literature. Check with county office about procedure for members ordering their
individual member guides. Check the list of resource items listed in the Clover
p.54 under the Project Leader and Learning Activities section. These will be
beneficial to you.
October Call 1
meeting –include member(s) and parent. It is important that you hold
this meeting as soon as possible, even if your first project meeting will not
take place until the spring. Kids can become discouraged, and assume that
the project will never meet, if you do not have this meeting to let them know
when the project will begin and what they will be doing.
Do an introductory activity to create interest. Outline goals and requirements. Set
dates for future meetings. You should plan to hold at least 6 meetings. . Discuss
any cost for supplies, tools, etc., that will be associated with the project.
November-March Continue conducting the project meetings as planned. Utilize at least one of the
following learning activities: Demonstrations, Skillathon, Judging.
April Check on progress of goals and status of what members plan to exhibit for the
fair. Encourage participation in competitive events at the fair (demonstrations,
judging, etc)
May Last project meeting held (for some projects, such as Horticulture or Vegetable
Gardening, the last meeting will be later in the summer.
Middle of June Members items to be shown at the fair should be completed. Encourage members
to exhibit in their county Fair.
End of July Meet one last time to complete Project Record Forms.
August Give Project Meeting Attendance/Completion Form and members’ County 4-H
Member Participation and Project Record Form to Club Leader.
Let Club Leader know if you intend to lead a project for the new 4-H year or
suggest others that might be interested.
University of California Coop Extension Youth Development Program
Dave Hileman, 4-H Specialist, Franklin County LG781 08/13 JLT