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Minutes of Management Board Meeting held on 15
February 2016
Attendance: Secretary General (Fergal Lynch), Bernie McNally, Michelle Shannon and Dermot
Ryan. Apologies: Liz Canavan. Clare Rudden reporting.
1. Minutes of Last Meeting
The minutes of the meeting of 8
February were agreed subject to two amendments.
2. Matters Arising
All matters arising were discussed as part of brief updates below.
3. Brief Updates
MS gave updates on: (i) High Court Case [St. Patricks and Oberstown], (ii) Oberstown
[Buildings Unit 10], (iii) Adoption [Amendment] Bill, (iv) Adoption [Information and Tracing]
Bill, (v) Arc Adoption, and (vi) Commission of Investigation [Mother and Baby Homes].
Arc Adoption MS will check current position re advice from Legal Advisor.
BM gave updates on: (i) Childcare Service Audit (ii) Meeting between SG and Pobal CEO, (iii)
Pobal Meeting [Governance], and (iv) Refugees on Resettlement Programme [DJE contact re
DR gave updates on: (i) Proposed Commission of Investigation [Disability/Foster Care], (ii)
Child Psychiatric Services, (iii) Corporate Governance Standard and DCYA Governance
Framework, (iv) IT Helpdesk [New Permanent Member of Staff], (v) Tusla [Expenditure/Capital
Plan], (vi) EU Procurement Directive, and (vii) Meeting with new Tusla CEO.
Proposed Commission of Investigation [Disability/Foster Care] DR will draft note for MB
meeting of 22 February.
FL gave an update on Internal Audit [Meeting with C&AG re Internal Audit function and draft
audit plan]
4. Follow up items from Business Plan discussions to date
FL said that he has found the Business Plan meetings to date very useful in reviewing progress,
discussing priorities for the year ahead and understanding the nature and extent of challenges
facing us. The document circulated in advance of the meeting consisted of initial thoughts
following on from these discussions. It was noted that although each issue has a specific Principal
Officer’s name assigned to it, some are wider and have a cross-divisional nature. The MB
considered the document and noted that some of it could be integrated with the document
discussed last week on Future Strategic Agenda Items. MB members also suggested some
additional items for inclusion, and the Secretary General will amend accordingly. Dates will be
arranged for each strategic issue to be discussed by the Management Board.
5. Agency Performance Reporting
Denis O’Sullivan, Michele Clarke and Paul Fay attended for this item and presented on the
papers circulated. A meeting on capital was held last week with Tusla which HSE Estates
attended. Funding has been committed to 4 projects and it is intended to bring a draft plan to the

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. | Dr. Seuss