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This is an agreement to sublet real property according to the terms specified below.
The sublessor agrees to sublet and the subtenant agrees to take the premises described below. Both
parties agree to keep, perform and fulfill the promises, conditions and agreements below:
1. The sublessor is: ______________________________________________
2. The subtenant is: ______________________________________________
3. The location of the premises is: ___________________________________
City of Fort Collins, County of Larimer, Colorado.
Unit No. ________
4. The term of this sublease is ______________, beginning __________, 20___.
The rent is $_____________per month, payable in advance on the ______ day of each month. The
rent is payable to _________________________________ at (address)
5. The sublease agreement will terminate on (date) _____________________. There shall be no
holding over under the terms of this sublease agreement under any circumstances.
6. All charges for utilities connected with premises which are to be paid by the sublessor under the
master lease shall be paid by the subtenant for the term of this sublease.
7. Subtenant agrees to surrender and deliver to the sublessor the premises and all furniture and
decorations within the premises in as good a condition as they were at the beginning of the term,
reasonable wear and tear excepted. The subtenant will be liable to the sublessor for any damages
occurring to the premises or the contents thereof or to the building which are done by the subtenant
or his guests.
8. Subtenant agrees to pay to sublessor a deposit of $________ to cover damages and cleaning.
Sublessor agrees that if the premises and contents thereof are returned to him/her in the same
condition as when received by the subtenant, reasonable wear and tear thereof excepted, (s)he will
refund to the subtenant $________ at the end of the term, or within 30 days thereafter. Any reason
for retaining a portion of the deposit shall be explained in writing within 30 days to the subtenant.
9. At the time of taking possession of the premises by the subtenant, the sublessor will provide the
subtenant with an inventory form within three (3) days of taking possession.
10. This sublease agreement incorporates and is subject to the original lease agreement between the
sublessor and his lessor, a copy of which is attached hereto, and which is hereby referred to and
incorporated as if it were set out here at length. The subtenant agrees to assume all of the obligations
and responsibilities of the sublessor under the original lease for the duration of the sublease

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