HTML Preview Request For Meeting Appointment Letter page number 1.

535 N. McDonough St
Decatur, GA 30030
Phone +1-404-270-2000 Fax +1-404-270-2039
Advocacy Meeting Request Letter
The Honorable NAME
Dear [Mayor/Councilmember/Governor]:
I am writing on behalf of ORGANIZATION to request a meeting with you to discuss [the
issue or reason for meeting].
[List the names, titles and affiliations of individual(s) who] will be attending the meeting on
behalf of our ORGANIZATION.
As you may know, ORGANIZATION conducts community-based sports programs for youth
and adults with disabilities [remind Public Official of your organization’s mission, activities and
contributions – establish your credibility].
We look forward to the opportunity to meet with you to discuss [the issue or reason for
meeting]. I will contact your office to determine your availability to meet with us. Thank you for
your consideration of this request.

The worst part of success is to try to find someone who is happy for you. | Bette Midler