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Overtime Authorization Agreement
Date __________________
I, ________________________________, authorize ____________________________________
Supervisor Employee
to work _______ hours of overtime on _________________________.
Employee will be compensated for these hours through Overtime pay Compensatory time.
Nonexempt employees must be paid for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours (50 hours for agricultural employees)
during the workweek, which begins at 11:01pm on Thursdays and ends at 11:00 pm the following Thursday.
Employees may be given compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay.
Employees hired after April 1, 1986, who voluntarily sign the Compensatory Time Agreement, are eligible for
compensatory time. No written agreement is required for employees hired prior to April 1, 1986, therefore, it is left to
the discretion of the department on whether to pay overtime or compensatory time to the employee.
I have read and agreed to the overtime policy as stated above.
_______________________________________ Approved ________________________________________
Employee Signature Supervisor Signature
Form to be filed in Department Personnel File
Overtime Authorization Agreement
Date __________________
I, ___________________________________, authorize _________________________________________
Supervisor Employee
to work _______ hours of overtime on _________________________.
Employee will be compensated for these hours through Overtime pay Compensatory time.
Nonexempt employees must be paid for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours (50 hours for agricultural employees)
during the workweek, which begins at 11:01pm on Thursdays and ends at 11:00 pm the following Thursday.
Employees may be given compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay.
Employees hired after April 1, 1986, who voluntarily sign the Compensatory Time Agreement, are eligible for
compensatory time. No written agreement is required for employees hired prior to April 1, 1986, therefore, it is left to
the discretion of the department on whether to pay overtime or compensatory time to the employee.
I have read and agreed to the overtime policy as stated above.
______________________________________ Approved ___________________________________________
Employee Signature Supervisor Signature
Form to be filed in Department Personnel File

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