W:\weblocker.mnsu.edu\ahn\rpls\2504Brooke N. Burk, PhD
Department of Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Phone: (507) 389-5930, Email: brooke.burk@mnsu.edu
Education Background
Ph. D. in Recreation, Sport and Tourism, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana,
Champaign, IL, August 2011
M.A. in Leisure, Youth and Human Services (with an emphasis in Youth Development),
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, May 2008
B.A. in Psychology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, May 2006
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Burk, B.N. (3014). Black girls’ perceptions of health and ideal body types. Journal of Gender Studies.
Burk, B.N., Shinew, K.J. (2013). Factors that impact African American girls’ participation in health-
promoting leisure activities. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration, 31 (1), 1-14.
Burk, B.N., Shinew, K.J., Son, J.S. (in press). Social health strategies to increase participation in
healthy leisure activities among rural residents. Leisure/Loisir.
Burk, B.N., Shinew, K.J., & Stodolska, M. (2011). Determinants of physical activity among Latinos
visitors to outdoor recreation areas. Leisure/Loisir, 35 (3), 325-338.
Liu, S., Bradley, M.J., & Burk, B.N. (2015). I Am Roller Derby: The Serious Leisure and Leisure
Identity of Roller Derby Participants. World Leisure Journal.
Olsen, H. & Burk, B.N. (2014). Using reflection to assess students’ ability to learn and develop
leadership skills. Schole.
Van Puymbroeck, M., Burk, B.N., Shinew, K.J., Kuhlenschmidt, M.C. & Schmid, A.A. (2013) Perceived
health benefits from yoga among breast cancer survivors. American Journal of Health
Promotion, 27 (5), 308-315.
Selected Academic Presentations
Burk, B.N. & Sharaievska, I. (2015, February). Examining the health and recreation needs of adults
with developmental disabilities. To be presented at the Active Living Research Conference,
San Diego, CA.
Burk, B.N. & Shellman, A. (2013, October). Bullying and Leisure: How Parents and Children
Conceptualize and Cope. Presented at the National Recreation and Park Association,
Houston, TX.
Burk, B.N, & Shellman, A. (2013, April). Preventing bullying in your parks and programs. Presented
at New York State Recreation and Parks Society Conference, Rochester, NY.