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Advocacy Visit Agenda
Suggested Roles Purpose, Tips, & Tasks
Before meeting
Identify script & supporting
Everyone Review who you’re meeting with and which supporting materials you should use.
Assign roles Everyone Assign roles for during the meeting and after the meeting.
During meeting
Introductions & Cards 2 Everyone
Provide your name, where you live, your affiliated organization, your role
(resident, Executive Director, staff member). Get a business card or e-mail of all
elected official staff attendees.
Acknowledgements 1 Staff or board member
Thank elected official office for their leadership or role on
committee/subcommittee. If you have time, look up a related “pet project,”
legislation, or a position specific to the elected official that you can thank them
Educate on housing model 5 Staff or board member
Communicate what community land trusts and “permanently affordable
homeownership” (PAH) are, how PAH programs works and prudently uses public
funds, and their outcomes. Use the Advocacy Handout as talking points.
Resident Story 3 Resident
Communicate subjectively (i.e. appeal to the heart) by sharing a story of that is
inspiring and leads into the issue.
Explain the issue 5
Staff (board member if
staff absent)
Explain the problem to lead up to our request. Use the Advocacy Handout as
talking points.
Ask for action 3
Staff (board member if
staff absent)
Communicate the specific ask(s) and cordially express that we’ll follow-up (get
contact information). Use the Advocacy Handout as talking points.
Ask what we can do 1 Board member
Ask what we can do for them. Do they need additional information? Is there an
issue they face that we could support?
After Meeting
Gather business cards &
complete sheet
Assigned person
Fill-in Elected Official Visit Form, gather business cards.

There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them. | Seth Godin