I am pleased to acknowledge receipt of your proposal for the 2015-16 Teacher Learning
and Leadership Program (TLLP). I appreciate the time and effort you put into the
development of this proposal.
A review committee comprised of board staff and representatives from the teacher
federations and principal associations reviewed all the proposals received by the board.
The committee was encouraged by the interest and thoughtful preparation that you and
other applicants have shown in their professional development proposal.
The committee’s task was to identify and recommend two proposals based on the
selection criteria provided by the Ontario Ministry of Education. These two proposals will
be forwarded to the provincial Teacher Learning and Leadership Committee (TLLC) for
consideration. The TLLC will also be made aware of all of the submission topics
received by the board, since the TLLC reserves the right to consider other proposals as
well. For more information about the selection criteria and selection process of the
Teacher Learning and Leadership Program, please refer to the program guidelines
located on the ministry’s website at http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/teacher/tllp.html
The box checked below is the outcome of the school board’s committee review of your
proposal application:
Your proposal was chosen as one of the two proposals to be forwarded to the
TLLC for consideration.
Your proposal was not chosen as one of the two recommended proposals,
however the TLLC will be made aware of the topic of your proposal.
he final selection decision rests with the TLLC. If your proposal is selected by the
TLLC, there will be a contractual agreement drawn between the Ministry of Education
and the school board outlining the specific terms and conditions for the administration of
the funding. You will be responsible for undertaking the learning and sharing activities
as described in your proposal, and will be required to attend the ministry-funded
Leadership Skills for Classroom Teachers professional development session in May
2015 as well as the TLLP Sharing the Learning Summit in November 2016. Travel and
accommodation costs for attending these sessions will be covered by the ministry.
Final decisions of the TLLC will be communicated directly to you by the Ministry in
February 2015.
Thank you again for your interest in this exciting program.
Director of Education/Supervisory Officer of School Authority