HTML Preview Final Response Letter page number 1.

Template final response letter
Name and Address
Our ref [if any]
Your ref [if any]
Our contact details; e mail and phone [insert]
Dear [add name]
Heading, e.g. Complaint about....
The investigation into the concerns you raised on [insert date] is now complete.
I will address each of the points as outlined in my earlier acknowledgement letter to
[Repeat each individual point of complaint, and follow each one with what you found
in the investigation. Put this as a numbered list if there is more than one issue].
1. [Point one]
I have found that…..
2. [Point two]
I have found that…..
As a result of your complaint we have taken the following action (if not already
mentioned above).
1. [action ]
2. [action]
3. etc
I would like to thank you for bringing these matters to our attention. We welcome
comments from people who use our services and aim to use these to improve our
If you are not fully satisfied with the way we have handled your complaint you have
the right to take your complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman, who you can
contact at:
Tel: 0300 061 0614

Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating. | Denis Waitley