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TEAM Lesson Plan 2
1 Class Period
Course Unit:
Lesson Title:
Cityscape with Personality!
Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related scenario, problem,
or community link
James Rizzi’s illustrations have made an impression on viewers of all ages. In this
lesson students will be inspired by James Rizzi to create a cityscape containing at least
six buildings. Each building will contain design elements that add personality and relate
to each building’s specific function.
Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT College
Readiness Standards and/or State Competencies.
Tennessee State Standards for Art
1.1 Use tools and media consistently in a safe and responsible manner.
2.1 Identify, understand, and apply elements of art.
2.2 Identify, understand, and apply the principles of art.
3.1 Select subject matter, symbols, and ideas for the student’s own art.
5.1 Analyze the characteristics and merits of the student’s own work.
5.2 Analyze the characteristics and merits of other’s work.
Common Core Connection for Integrated Subject- Language
L.2.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.
L.2.2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Clear, Specific, and Measurable NOT ACTIVITIES
1. The students will define style and cityscape.
2. The students will create a 9” x 12” cityscape inspired by James Rizzi that
includes at least six buildings.
3. Each building will contain design elements related to the building’s function.
Students will add distinction to each building by giving each building two eyes, a
nose, a mouth, and two ears. The facial elements will reflect the building’s
Students show evidence of proficiency through a variety of assessments.
Aligned with the Lesson Objective
Formative / Summative
Performance-Based / Rubric
Formal / Informal
Informal Assessment- the teacher will walk around and monitor student behavior
to ensure students are on task.
Self-Assessment- the student will score their work on a rubric.
Self-Assessment- the students will compare and contrast their work with James
Rizzi’s work.
Aligned with the Lesson Objective
Rigorous & Relevant
1. 9” x 12” White drawing paper
2. Crayons
3. Black washable markers
4. Pencils
Motivator / Hook

Get busy living or get busy dying. | from the “The Shawshank Redemption”