HTML Preview Marriage Contract for Muslims page number 1.

The following form of marriage contract is only a sample form. It is advisable that the parties make the
requisite changes to the form to ensure that it meets their various needs within the Islamic framework.
For this reason, as well as to ensure the legality hereof, it is strongly recommended that each party to a
marriage that makes use of this form seeks independent legal advice.
The Islamic Shía Ithna-Asheri Jamaat of Toronto, Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi, and those who
assisted in the preparation of this contract are not liable for any defects therein. This has been provided
as a service to the Muslim community, and does not constitute legal advice. No claims, promises or
guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or legality hereof is made. As legal advice must be tailored
to the specific circumstances of each case, and given that laws are constantly changing, nothing
provided herein should be used as a substitute for the advice of competent counsel.
In the name of Allãh, the Beneficent, the Merciful
O Allãh, send His blessings upon Muhammad & his progeny.
“And among His signs is that He created spouses for you from among yourselves
so that you may find tranquility in them;
and He placed between you love & compassion. In these are signs for the people who reflect.”
(The Qur’ãn 30:21)
This agreement made on the ____ day of ___________ in the year _______ CE corresponding to the ____ day
of ____________ in the year ________ AH between the “Groom” and “Bride” outlined below.
Full Name:________________________________ Full Name: _______________________________________
Father’s Name: ______________________ Father’s Name: ____________________________________
Mother’ Name: _______________________ Mother’s Name: ___________________________________
Date & Place of Birth: ________________________ Date & Place of Birth: ______________________________
Marital Status: never married / divorcé / widower Marital Status: never married / divorcee / widow
Address :_______________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Tel: ( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ —__ __ __ __ Tel: ( __ __ __ ) __ __ __ -- __ __ __ __
Groom’s wakíl (‘ãqid) whom he hereby Bride’s wakíl (‘ãqid) whom she hereby
authorizes to perform the ‘aqd: authorizes to perform the ‘aqd:
_________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
The Groom and the Bride enter into this agreement to provide for circumstances relating to their marriage; and
both have read and agreed to the following conditions by way of signing each term or part.
The Groom agrees to give the following marriage consideration (mahr/dowry) to the Bride:
________________________ _________________________
Signature of the Groom Signature of the Bride

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