HTML Preview Client To Do List page number 1.

To-Do List
Clinic Attorney: Please list any instructions you have given to the client. After completing this form, please give
the original copy to the client and turn in the yellow copy with the intake sheet.
Client’s Name:
Tasks to be completed:
Call 211: 2-1-1 or 206-461-3600
What for? ___________________________________________________________________________
Log on to
What for? ___________________________________________________________________________
You were referred to KCBA’s Volunteer Legal Services – you will receive a call within 2 weeks
Call KCBA’s Lawyer Referral Service: 206-267-7010
What for? ___________________________________________________________________________
Call KCBA’s Housing Justice Project – 206-267-7090
What for? ___________________________________________________________________________
What for? ___________________________________________________________________________
What for? ___________________________________________________________________________
Forms or Information Packets given:

To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted. | George Kneller