Simple Budget Worksheet
A budget can help you reduce your debt and save for goals. Complete this worksheet to figure out your budget.
Account for every dollar of income including money saved and invested so that your bottom line equals $0.
Month: ______________________
Gross Income (before taxes and other withholdings)
- Taxes (Federal, State, FICA/Social Security, other)
Net Income (Left for Expenses & Goals)
- Housing (Mortgage/rent, internet, TV, repairs, utilities, phone, insurance, taxes)
- Food (Groceries, Restaurants)
- Healthcare Co-pays and Deductibles
- Transportation (Insurance, loan payments, fuel, repairs, fees)
- Entertainment (Fun, travel)
- Personal Care/Clothing (Clothing, shoes, hair, makeup, laundry, dry cleaning)
- Miscellaneous (Cash, dues, subscriptions, general merchandise, gifts, pets, fees, other)
- Charitable Giving (Charity, church, other)
- Debt Payments (credit card, loans)
- Insurance Premiums (Life, Health, Dental and other insurance)
For a more detailed, online budget use My Budget on usaa.com. Or use the USAA Mobile App that lets you use
your personal budgeting tool to track spending and edit transactions wherever you are.
USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates.