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P.O. Box 72473 S.L.P. 72473
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel.: 2113919/21, 2110642 Simu: 2113919/21, 2110642
Fax: 2117772 Fax: 2117772
Our Ref: PPF/DF/ C.180/2/56 Date: 3
March, 2009
Att: Finance Manager/Chief Accountant
RE: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
This has reference to the above subject matter.
Following BoT directive on capping of payments in excess of shillings Ten million (Tshs.
10,000,000) all payments and remittances to PPF in excess of Tshs. 10,000,000 will
now be through the electronic funds transfer (EFT) system with effect from 1
2009. The following is PPF requirements from members, suppliers and customers in
order to facilitate payment and receipting of collection:
a) Payment
For effecting payments the system requires us to have the following details from
suppliers/ members, which will facilitate the transfer:
1. Name of your banker
2. Branch where you maintain your account
3. Name at which Account is held (payee name)
4. Branch code
5. Swift Address
6. Account Number
7. Type of Account
8. Fax Number
9. E-mail Address
10. Telephone numbers
For the sake of security would you please complete the required details on the attached
schedule and return, immediately; further more you’re required to arrange for your bank
to certify your return verifying the correctness of the account number and account
Note that where payment is to be made to member employees the bank details of
account holder should be attached to claim form together with copy of bank card

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. | Dr. Seuss