HTML Preview Volunteer Job Application Letter Sample page number 1.

Dear prospective hospice volunteer:
Thank you for your interest in our volunteer program. Transitions Hospice highly values
our volunteers and the service they provide to our patients and their families. We are
experts in the art of living. We empower our patients and their families to embrace life.
We focus on the practical side of living with tools and support. Volunteers play a very
important role in pursuit of our mission.
In order to qualify, all hospice volunteers must meet governmental requirements as well
as standards established by Transitions Hospice. Volunteer applicants must provide the
following documents to qualify as a Hospice Volunteer.
A Volunteer Application must be completed before or during the orientation. This can
be found on and submitted during orientation.
During the orientation, the following documents will be explained and completed.
Sign an authorization for a criminal history background check.
Bring proof of valid government issued identification, such as your driver’s
license, state ID or passport.
Bring evidence of current automobile insurance.
Sign a statement to accept or decline Hepatitis B Vaccine. If accepted, the vaccine
will be provided at the expense of Transitions Hospice.
Sign a statement that the following have been received and explained: a
volunteer handbook, policies, a confidentiality agreement, a HIPAA compliance
agreement and a “Code of Conduct” agreement.
The following documents must be signed by a provider after orientation. These
documents complete your application and must be submitted before a mentor and a
patient are assigned to you.
A completed physical examination. The physical exam will be at the expense
of Transitions Hospice if completed by our authorized provider. If you have
evidence of a physical exam in the past year, you can submit it to meet this

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