HTML Preview Teacher Assistant Thank You Letter page number 1.

3345 Redwood Highway
Grants Pass, OR 97527-9298
541-956-7327 Phone
If you are selected as a scholarship recipient and will be receiving a monetary gift from an individual,
corporation, or family, you are required to write a thank you letter. You need to thank the donor(s) that
has invested in your education. Finding the words to express your gratitude to a donor can sometimes be
challenging or intimidating, but it is important to let the donor know that his or her scholarship is greatly
appreciated. You must write one letter for each scholarship you receive. Funds may with withheld or
cancelled if you do not submit your thank you letter(s) in a timely manner.
Make sure the letter is free of both grammatical and spelling errors. Double-check for typos.
Be sincere and express enthusiasm.
Send it in typewritten in business format including all of the elements of a letter: your name,
date, salutation, body, closing, and a signature. One page is appropriate.
Tell the donor a bit about yourself. Things you may include are your hometown, high school, family
background, why you chose to attend Rogue Community College.
Talk about your experiences at RCC. What year are you in? What is your major? When are you
expecting to graduate? What are your career goals?
Express your gratitude for the scholarship and how it is going to help you. Do not tell the donor
how you are going to use the money unless you know what the scholarship covers. (Example: You
have a tuition only scholarship, and you tell them you are going to use the money to buy books).
The next page has an example of what a proper letter should look like. You should write your thank you
letter in this format, but please be sure to use your own words. Please do not copy this letter. If your
letter is not written in this format, we may not accept your letter which could delay the release of your
funds or have your scholarship revoked. This letter will be submitted electronically through the
AwardSpring website with your acceptance of your scholarship.
Thank You Letter Etiquette
Tips & Advice

Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try. | Unknown