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Missouri Commission For the Deaf & Hard of Hearing
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Weekly Newsletter (August 18, 2017)
3216 Emerald Lane, Suite B, Jefferson City V: (573) 526-5205; VP: (573) 298-6778
MCDHH is now accepting grant applications for the Missouri Support Service
Provider (SSP) Program for DeafBlind Missourians. This program was made
possible by the passage of HB 1096 in the 2016 legislative session, and recent
appropriations from the Missouri Legislature. All details of the grant and
instructions for applying are included in the following document. Please direct
any questions to
Grant Application for Support Service Providers for DeafBlind Missourians
On January 10, 2017, Governor Eric Greitens signed Executive Order 17-03 which
mandated a review of every state agency regulation, including those under the
jurisdiction of the Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Board for
Certification of Interpreters. As part of the review process, MCDHH will be accepting
public comments to identify regulations that are ineffective, unnecessary, or unduly
burdensome. The full text of our rules can be found here.
Comments will be accepted:
1. In written form with no more than 500 words before September 17, 2017;
2. As a video in sign language lasting no longer than 5 minutes before September
17, 2017;
3. At this public hearing: Friday, August 18, 2017, 10:00 am-12:00 pm at the
Truman Building, Room 492
We look forward to receiving your feedback. Please consider the following in your
comments to further help us determine the value of our regulations:
The regulation is essential to the health, safety, or welfare of Missouri residents;
The costs of the regulation do not outweigh their benefits, based on a cost benefit
A process and schedule exist to measure the effectiveness of the regulation;
Less restrictive alternatives have been considered and found less desirable than
the regulation;
The regulation is based on sound, reasonably available scientific, technical,
economic, and other relevant information; and
The regulation does not unduly and adversely affect Missouri citizens or
customers of the State or the competitive environment in Missouri.
All comments on existing rules must be submitted by September 17, 2017, for
consideration in the review process. We encourage you to share this with other
stakeholdersincluding deaf and hard of hearing individuals, sign language interpreters,
professionals, teachers, and family membersin order to maximize input. You can learn
more about the Governor’s initiative to review regulations on this website: See this information as a vlog here.
Upcoming MCDHH
(Click on link for more details)
September 29
Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Awareness Day at the Royals
October 13
Annual Missouri
Interpreters Conference
October 14
Deaf & Hard of
Empowerment Symposium
The MCDHH Office will be
CLOSED on Monday, August 21,
2017 due to events in Jefferson City
related to the Solar Eclipse.
Please click here to view Important
News regarding the Solar Eclipse!
Important Videos
Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing
Legislative Day
Deaf Businesses Resource Page
Missouri Interpreters Conference
Preview: High Stakes Test Taking
Silver Dollar City
Interpreters! Has your address changed in the last few months? Don’t forget to
let us know so we can update our database!

Your income is directly related to your philosophy, NOT the economy. | Jim Rohn