CHECKLIST: Physical distancing
One person per 4 square metres
Calculate the number of people you
can have in an enclosed space at any
Do a walk through of your workplace with a
tape measure and write down the dimensions
of all enclosed spaces.
Calculate the area of each enclosed space by
multiplying the length of the space in metres
by its width in metres.
Divide the calculated area by 4. The result
is the number of workers you can have in a
space to allow for at least 4 square metres of
space per person.
For example:
Length = 5 metres, Width = 10 metres
Area in square metres: 5 x 10 = 50
Maximum number of people: 50 ÷ 4 = 12.5.
Round it down to 12.
Is it reasonably practicable for you
to provide 4 square metres of space
Consider how many people are usually
present in the enclosed area at any one time.
Is this more or less than the number you
calculated above?
If the calculated number is less than the
number of people in the workplace, can you
reduce the number of people in the enclosed
space by:
reducing the number of work tasks in the
enclosed space
postponing non-essential work
facilitating working from home
modifying work tasks
This checklist will assist you to implement
physical distancing measures at your
workplace. Don’t forget to also check our
COVID-19 website for additional measures
for your industry.
splitting workers’ shifts to reduce
the number of workers onsite at any
restricting access to the enclosed space
to essential workers and/or others
staggering entry into the workplace by
customers or clients
Are there any considerations you need to take
into account regarding worker numbers?
For example:
Child to carer ratios, the minimum number of
workers required to carry out a task or operate
plant or equipment safely.
Have you consulted with workers and
relevant health and safety representatives on
implementing this control measure? You have
a duty to consult with workers when they
are likely to be or are directly aected by a
situation involving their health and safety.
What if it is not reasonably practicable
to provide 4 square metres of space
Can you still implement measures that
increase the square meterage each
Implement other control measures to reduce
exposure to COVID-19 (e.g 1.5m physical
distance between each person).
How to implement measures to
achieve 1.5m distance between
each person
Identify all the situations, tasks and
processes where workers and others
(clients, customers, contractors, visitors)
interact closely with eachother.
What work tasks require workers to be close
to each other?
For example:
Tasks involving safe lifting, working at heights in
elevated platforms, conducting private meeting.