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FS Safety Team Meeting Minutes
FS Training Center
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Minutes: Chris Pennington
Attendees: Tracey Mosier, Chris Pennington, Barbara Brown, Kandis Byrd, Lloyd Claassen, Mark
Dickey, Geoff Hallet, Weini Ghebray, Ming Jue, Jon Simmons, Sterling Luke, Joseph O’Conner, Kristine
Paul, Tom Pittsford, John Salvesen, David Speed, Shannon St. Clair, Joles Tahara, Anne Donegan, Steve
Charvat (EM), Chief John Vinson (UWPD).
Absentees: Mike Hendricksen, Sampaguita Casila, Mike Hilton, Maricel Meade, Neil McLeod, Michael
Nguyen, Jack Nolan, Mark Pekarek, Rebeca Tesfamariam, EH&S, TS Admin
Review of December Minutes Approved as written. Tracey provided an update on last month's report
of the window frame falling out. The Supervisor of the glaziers shop indicated non-industrial windows
were installed in the building. The glaziers are working with HFS to inspect each window, and governors
will be put on so the windows can’t be caught by the wind.
EH&S Report no attendee, no report
Finance and Facilities Safety Committee: Tracey reported that the UWide Health & Safety Committee
is working on developing a charter. There was discussion about transients in buildings and protocols
regarding their presence. Group reports included clarification about appointed members and Tracey
clarified the difference between Safety Team (appointing all members ok, no regulatory requirement) vs
Safety Committees (employee representatives must be voted on, regulatory requirement regarding how
membership is formed). Most groups in HSC are working on their fire drills and evacuation routes. Mark
Dickey reported about the BSD ergonomics project. Important to have the Regulated Materials people
survey onsite before performing work and post the survey results at the job site while working.
December Monthly Safety Topics
Safety Hazard Review & Checklist: This is a regulatory requirement to identify hazards prior to assigning
employees to work. A good faith effort should be made to identify the potential hazards and how to
mitigate or protect employees from them. When a person assigns work, it is important to confirm a
Hazard Review Checklist (HRC) has been created. Tracey pulled up an HRC form and provided
information on each section to demonstrate proper reporting. FMC has developed some standardized
HRCs for frequently performed tasks. If the standardized HRC used doesn't adequately address the task,
it is important to reevaluate.
Vehicle Accident Reporting: In the glove box of each vehicle there is a form for the accident
management company, CEI, which needs to be filled out if you get in an accident. Joles mentioned you
can call CEI instead of completing the form. It is helpful if you fill out an OARS report as well. Jay Sedivy
reviews and plans programs to mitigate future vehicle safety issues. Discussion on whether to call Police
Department if in an accident. Chief Vinson confirmed that if it seems to be more than $1000 in damage,
the police should be called and a report taken. The CEI form, or a phone call to them, must be
completed for any accident. After the meeting it was determined completing the CEI form is no longer
necessary, only calling CEI is required. A copy of the form is in the glove box to prompt the caller as to
what information is needed.

Get busy living or get busy dying. | from the “The Shawshank Redemption”