HTML Preview Model Arbitration Agreements page number 1.

This agreement made this ________________________day of__________Two
Thousand________________________________________________________ Between
(full description and address of the Party to be given) of the ONE PART and
(full description and address of the Party to be given) of the OTHER PART.
WHEREAS certain disputes and differences have arisen and are subsisting
between the aforesaid parties relating to _________________________________
(details of contract to be given),
AND WHEREAS the Parties agree to submit their dispute(s) in accordance with
the ICADR Arbitration Rules, 1996.
Now the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. The parties agree to submit their dispute(s) to arbitration in accordance with the
ICADR Arbitration Rules, 1996.
2. The authority to appoint the arbitrator or the arbitrators, as the case may be, shall
be the International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution.*
3. The arbitration shall be administered by the International Centre for Alternative
Dispute Resolution (ICADR) in accordance with the ICADR Arbitration Rules,
4. The place of arbitration shall be _____________________
* In case the ICADR is not required to appoint arbitrator(s), omit this clause.
In Witness Whereof, this Agreement has been signed this _____day of
____________200_______ at_________________by________________
1. _______________________for and on behalf of_____________________
2. ______________________ for and on behalf of_____________________
Note: The parties may:-
(a) provide for qualification(s) of the arbitrator(s) including, but not limited to,
language, technical experience, nationality and legal experience;
(b) specify the language for the conduct of arbitration.

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. | Dr. Seuss