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Reading worksheet
Keep this worksheet by your side to remind you of the information you need to know. Fill it out every time you read a new
article, or use it as a basis for your own notes.
What are you reading?
Fill in the citation details here.
Type of text
Date of publication
Title of work or section
Journal article:
Journal title
Volume number
Issue number
Page numbers of article
DOI if electronic
Book or book
Editor(s) if different to author(s)
Title of book
Place of publication
Edition number if not first edition
Page numbers of section
For other types of references, refer to the relevant citation guide to check what information you need. See also our note-
taking advice (PDF, 134 kB).
Why are you reading this?
Jot down some brief notes is this assigned reading for a lecture or a tutorial, is it for background information, or for an
assignment? What do you hope to find out, or what are your reading goals?
Use one or more of the following strategies to find what you need to know:
Library St
udy Smart February 2017 Page 1 of 2
Reading worksheet

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. | Albert Einstein