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The nomination period for candidates seeking to serve on the Garfield and
Asotin County Farm Service Agency Committee closed August 1, with the
following persons submitting a nomination to serve as representatives for
LAA 2 in each county for a three year term.
Garfield County:
Keith Berglund
Brian Heitstuman
Asotin County:
Bruce Petty
Thank you to each of these persons for volunteering their services if elected.
The County Committee system is an important part of the USDA process,
providing the farm community with a local voice in helping to administer
federally mandated programs. Ballots will be mailed to all persons within
LAA 2 during the early part of November; final date to return ballots is
Monday, December 3, 2012. Ballots will be tabulated during the regular
County Committee meeting, on Wednesday December 5, 2012, in Asotin
County and Thursday December 6, 2012, in Garfield County beginning at
9:00 a.m. The meeting is open to the public.
FSA offers 9-month marketing assistance loans, using the harvested
commodity as collateral. Obtaining a loan enables a producer to extend
their marketing season by allowing them to hold the commodity beyond
harvest when prices are usually lowest. The collateralized commodity may
be stored on the farm or in CCC licensed warehouses. Farm storage must
be safe and available for FSA inspection at any time. If all eligibility criteria
and application requirements are met, loans can generally be disbursed in
less than a week (delays usually attributable to lien search results).
2012 Basic Crop Loan Rates for Garfield and Asotin Counties:
Oats = $1.37/bu. HRS Wheat = $3.27/bu.
HRW Wheat = $3.50/bu. SWW Wheat = $3.06/bu.
Barley = $2.20/bu ($91.67/ton).
Other eligible crop loan rates and general loan and LDP information can be
found by clicking on this link:
FSA Loans/LDP's.
Producers who obtain a marketing assistance loan agree to loan provisions.
Violating provisions may trigger administrative actions, such as assessing
liquidated damages, calling the loan and denial of future farm-stored loans.
The most common violations are removing or disposing of a commodity
being used as loan collateral without prior authorization and providing an
incorrect quantity of the available loan commodity.
August, 2012
Garfield County FSA
PO Box 18
Pomeroy, WA 99347-0018
Phone (509) 843-1997
Fax (509) 843-1168
Asotin County FSA
720 6
Street Ste. B
Clarkston, WA 99403-2012
Phone (509) 758-7821
Fax (509) 758-7533
Office Hours
Mon.-Fri. - 8:00 AM 4:30 PM
Garfield County Committee
Diane Koller Chair
Max Scoggin Vice Chair
Chris Wolf Member
Asotin County Committee
Bruce Petty Chair
Susie Appleford Vice Chair
Earl Fitzgerald - Member
Farm Program Staff
Geremy Nelson CED
Sherri Meacham – PT
Emily Ruchert – PT
Connie Forsmann – PT
Lorelei McNamee - PT
FSA Web sites:
Dates to Remember
September 3 Service Center
closed for Labor Day.
September 5 Asotin County
Committee Meeting 9:00 am
September 18 Garfield County
Committee Meeting 9:00 am
September 30 .
New CRP initiatives sign-up
deadline (see pg. 2)

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. | Bill Gates