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Peperfeld 55
D-30457 Hannover
Tel. : +49 511 26 222 26
Fax : +49 511 26 222 27
Mobile: +49 151 12707912
Name: Saleh Majid
Birth: Iraq, 02.05.1938
Nationality: German
Personal Status: Married, two children
1. Education and Professional Qualification:
1956 - 60 B.A. Degree in Law with Distinction, Baghdad University,
Baghdad, Iraq, awarded in June 1960.
1961 Certificate in English and Comparative Law with Distinction,
The City of London College, London, England,
awarded in August 1961.
1960 - 63 Postgraduate Academic Diploma in Law, University of
London, England, awarded in October 1963.
1963 - 65 Diploma in International and Comparative Air Law,
London Institute of World Affairs, awarded in August 1965.
1967 - 70 Researcher as a Ph.D. student in International Law,
University of Durham, England.
Since 1960 Member of the Iraqi Bar Association.
Since 1989 Qualified and registered in Germany as Legal Advisor/Rechtsbeistand
in Business Laws of Arab Countries and in Islamic Law.
Since 1989 Admitted as an arbitrator by the Euro Arab Arbitration System.
Since 1998 Registered at the Law Society (London) as Middle East Legal
Since 2001 Admitted as a full member (MCI Arb) of the Chartered Institute of
Arbitrators, London.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. | Napoleon Hill