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The academic review process requires external assessments at a number of points in an
individual’s career. It is important that departments follow the best practices in the solicitation
of letters. Following are campus guidelines outlining 1) how to identify reviewers; and 2) solicit
letters and utilize them fully in the review process. To ensure a fair process, it is important that
departments document their review practices, including the process for identifying external
reviewers and what materials are to be sent to them.
Guidelines for the Solicitation and Use of External Letters
The goal is to receive a minimum of 3–7 letters depending on the type of case, with the majority
coming from the department’s list.
Number of Letters Required
LIST (of those received)
Appointment Asst Prof 3–5 May all be from Candidates List
Appointment Assoc/Ful
Min. of 7 At least half from Department List
Tenure Associate Min. of 7 At least half from Department List
Promotion Full Min. of 7 At least half from Department List
Step VI* Full Min. of 3 At least half from Department List
Advance to A/S Full Min. of 5 At least half from Department List
Promotion Research Min. of 5 At least half from Department List
*letters are optional for Professor reviews, a departmental committee report is required
Identifying Reviewers
Departments should have a written description of their process for identifying individuals who
should be solicited. This might be the role of a search committee (for new appointments), the
departmental ad hoc review committee, the department chair, advisory committees for new
initiatives, or senior faculty in the candidate’s area of expertise. In cases of inter-and multi-
disciplinary work, it is important to ensure that the process also includes input from individuals
across the spectrum of the candidate’s research.
The departmental list should be compiled independently before reviewing the list of possible
reviewers submitted by the candidate. Should the department and the candidate independently
submit the same name, this should be reflected on the code key. The campus reviewers will
consider any such reviewers as coming from the department’s list.

In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later. | Harold Geneen