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Film/Photo Shoot Price Sheet
Filming/Photography Fees
As a public agency providing mass transit services,TriMet requires payment of costs to reimburse the
agency for required staff time and use of TriMet property and resources needed to facilitate a film/photo
shoot. Once the project has been filmed/photographed, an invoice will be issued. Payment of the invoice
is due within 30 days.
Applicable Fees: The applicable fees are listed below:
$100/hr. Permit processing and coordination fee
$50 Track Access Permit fee (required for any film involving a MAX train on location)
$100/hr. for stationary bus or MAX train in the yard
$340/hr. for use of a MAX train (on location; includes operator, field supervisor and controller)
$260/hr. for use of a bus (on location; includes operator and field supervisor)
$80/hr. for each additional field supervisor, if needed
$55/hr. for use of other TriMet non-revenue vehicle(s)
NOTE: Travel time will be factored in to the overall cost. For example, a train originating from one of
TriMet’s two rail yards traveling to and from Downtown Portland will have two hours travel time, so
the charge will be at least $680 (two hours based on $340).
If the requestor cancels the project for any reason after the application approval and permit issuance,
TriMet will charge 100 percent of the Track Access Permit fee, if applicable, and any hourly fees paid for
personnel and vehicle usage used for the project up to cancellation.

A consultant is someone who takes the watch off your wrist and tells you the time. | Unknown