[IAPO toolkit: Meeting invitation template, March 2011]
< Insert participant’s address>
Dear <insert participant’s title and name>
I would like to invite you to a meeting/teleconference <delete
as appropriate> to discuss <describe purpose of meeting>.
[For a face-to-face meeting:]
The meeting will take place on <insert date>, starting at
<insert time> and finishing at <insert time>. It will be held at
<insert location and address>. Please can you confirm whether
you will be able to attend the meeting by <insert date>.
[For a teleconference:]
The teleconference will take place on <insert date>, starting at
<insert time> and finishing at <insert time>. Please dial <insert
number and dial in details> to join the call. It would be very
helpful if you could confirm whether you are able to participate
in the teleconference by <insert date>.
I have enclosed <insert number> additional documents which
provide some background information on <insert details>. An
agenda will also be sent to you shortly.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
<Insert name>
<Insert contact details>
<Insert position/title in organisation>
Meeting invitation
If the invite is being sent by email, write the meeting’s
name in the subject title.
The first paragraph states the main purpose of the
Give the time and date of the meeting. If it’s a face-to-
face meeting, include the location, providing directions
and a map if necessary.
For a teleconference, you need to provide the telephone
number to phone, and any dial in details. If participants
are joining from different countries, give the time local to
their country.
Describe any documents they will receive (e.g. meeting
agenda, introductory information), and/or any
preparation they should do prior to the meeting. If may
also be useful to let them know who the other
participants will be.
[This document is part of the IAPO toolkit ‘Working with partners
and stakeholders’, which can be accessed from the IAPO website.]