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Curriculum Vitae (CV)
cur·ric·u·lum vi·tae: Latin, course of (one's) life
Curriculum vitae (CV) are the standard for seeking jobs in higher education. It is more detailed than a
traditional resume (2 or 4 pages for new graduates) and highlights teaching and research aspects of your
careers. A CV is used when applying for positions in higher education, and some research positions outside
of academia.
CVs can vary from field to field, but there are several general guidelines:
White Paper
Black and White text
Use standard fonts (Arial, Times New Roman)
Font size: 10.5 minimum
Margins: ¾minimum
No pronouns (I, me)
Use the Past Tense
Eliminate unnecessary articles (a, an, the)
In the United States CVs don’t include:
Social Security Numbers
Ages or birthdates
Marital status
Family/health issues
Today’s date
Title Block: List your name, address, phone number, email, city & state (country if need).
Education: Listing of degrees (most recent first), institution, city & state (country if need), date of
graduation, major/minor/concentration.
Dissertation or Thesis: List your title, description (brief: if not described further in later sections), and chair.
Awards/Honors/Fellowships/Scholarships: Can include academic, service and financial awards. List name
of award, date, location, description (brief, if needed).
Experience: Can be subdivided as needed to focus on relevant areas (teaching, research, professional).
Typically experience is illustrated as bullet points or sentence fragments. Use strong action verbs to
describe your work. Focus on what you did, how you did it and if there was a result (why). Include job title,
organization, location, dates, description of work.
Academic Service/Leadership/Volunteer Positions: List other organizations, clubs, or examples that
demonstrate your leadership abilities. List your job title, organization, location, dates, description of
Professional Associations/Professional Memberships: Demonstrate your professional identity and
affiliation by listing organizations you belong to or offices held.
Languages: List any languages you are fluent, or conversational in (Other than English)

Look well to this day. Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day. | Francis Gray