HTML Preview Senior Coach Resignation Letter page number 1.

October 2016
Dear GUFC Football Families,
I write this letter to inform you that I will be standing down from my position as Club Senior Coach
and interim Technical Director.
Please be advised that this has nothing to do with the newly elected President and purely to focus
on life outside of football. I wish the new President Aaron and his committee all the best in leading
this great club into the future. I will still be leading the GUFC High Performance Program and
overlooking the Summer Development Program for this year. I will also be supporting the Premier
League committee with trials. I will stay with the club and hope to coach my son’s team next year.
I am proud of how far the club has come in a football sense and always believed that no matter how
much we struggle financially or structurally the brand in hand with the philosophy of football would
always shine through. I always believed that nothing is more important than the watching the kids
develop, play and smile. I like to believe as a team and as a club we should strive to “train together,
win together and lose together as long as it is together”. The important word of course is TOGETHER
Coaches please remember the boys and girls we coach may not grow to be professional footballers
but they will grow to be men and women. The way we coach football to them will shape, or at least
influence, the adults they become.
Steve Ujdur
Senior Coach Coord

There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them. | Seth Godin