What is a cover letter?
A cover letter is a marketing tool used to create interest in you as a candidate. It accompanies your
résumé and is written specifically for each organization/position. The goal of the cover letter is to
motivate the reader to look at your résumé and ultimately invite you for an interview. A good cover letter
will clearly demonstrate how you and your background fit with the particular position and organization.
Do I have to write a new cover letter for each job?
Possibly. For similar positions, you can likely use similar letters. However, each letter should be
customized specifically for the position and the organization. See “Tailoring Your Cover Letter” below.
How do I know what to write about?
1. Read the position listing and highlight important words and phrases from the description.
2. Consider skills you have relevant to the employer’s needs. These may be from a variety of
experiences (past jobs, internships, volunteer work, activities, or class projects); it is up to you to
“connect the dots” so the employer sees how you meet their needs.
3. Describe two or three experiences, accomplishments, or skills that demonstrate your fit with the
position. Be specific and provide examples to support claims. Avoid the temptation to copy wording
from sample cover letters and don’t repeat what is on your resume! Be sure to highlight what you
have to offer, rather than what you have to gain!
How can I get help with my cover letter?
The staff in Career Services can help. We have both drop-in hours and appointments where you can meet
with a professional who can give you feedback on your cover letter. To learn about drop-in hours or
schedule an appointment, call our office at 585-395-2159.
Sample Job Description:
Here is an excerpt from a targeted cover letter that gives specifics, is relevant to the position,
and gives solid examples:
Through my experience as a social work intern, I have utilized intensive family therapy for
families with children between ages of 5-17 who are experiencing behavioral/emotional
crisis. I also participated as a member of an interdisciplinary team to comprehensively assess
the functionality and psychosocial issues of young adults who are at risk.
Provide clinical services for individuals, groups, and families.
Ability to work collaboratively on an interdisciplinary team creating positive
working relationship.