Sponsor Application Package Page 1
Pursuant to the Standards of Apprenticeship adopted by the Sponsor and registered with the Massachusetts Division
of Apprentice Standards, the provisions of which are hereby made part of this Agreement, and in compliance with the
Massachusetts Plan for Equal Employment in Apprenticeship Standards, WITNESSETH: that the Agreement is entered
into by the undersigned:
___________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Name of Apprentice Address of Apprentice
Name of Program Sponsor Employer, JAC, JATC, Association of Employers, or Organization of Employers
Trade hours ___________________________ Term of apprenticeship _________________________________
Date apprenticeship begins ________________________ Projected completion date _______________________
Credit for previous on-the job experience___________ hours _________ Starting step number________________
Graduated scale of wages in (percentages to be paid the apprentice. (Percentages are based on journey person
wages) [on projects where there is a prevailing rate set by law, the rate of pay shall comply with the wage rate or
percentages stated on the wage schedules issued by the Department of Labor Standards.] PERIOD(s):
Minimum Journey person rate as of (Date) __________________ is $ __________________ per hour
____________Hours per day ________Hours per week. Overtime Rate: _______________________________
The parties hereto agree that the terms stated on the reverse side of this form are part of this agreement. I hereby
authorize the Division of Apprentice Standards to request access to all my related training records directly from any
school/training program I may attend as part of my apprenticeship.
Signature of Apprentice
Signature of Program Sponsor
Signature Parent/Guardian, If Minor
Address of Program Sponsor
Signature of Union JAC, JATC
Approved by the Division of Apprentice Standards _____________________________Date ______________
Compliance Officer Number_____________
Sponsor Number____________________
Annual Fee: $35.00 for photo ID (please include one passport size photo)
Prevailing rate work
Non-prevailing rate work