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AFI Financial Inclusion Data Workshop, 2010 Page 1 of 3
AFI Financial Inclusion Data Workshop Agenda
Co-hosted by the Bank Negara Malaysia
Lanai Kijang
Bank Negara Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
June 21 & 22, 2010
Day 1: Monday June 21, 2010
9.00 am-9.30 am
Welcome remarks
V. Vijayaledchumy, Director, Central Banking
Services, Bank Negara Malaysia
Opening remarks
Alfred Hannig, Executive Director, Alliance for
Financial Inclusion (AFI)
Morning session
9.30 am-10.30 am
Overview of financial inclusion data initiatives
Key Issues in Financial Inclusion Measurement, Survey
Design and Implementation
- David Porteous, Director, Bankable Frontier Associates
Moderated by
Alfred Hannig
10.30 am-10.50 am
** Group Photo and Coffee Break **
10.50 am-11.10 am
Introduction to Survey result and preliminary framework for
financial inclusion definition
- Sung-Ah Lee, Lead Manager, AFI
Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS) del Peru:
Indicators of Financial Inclusion used by SBS
- Giovanna Priale, General Manager for Products and
12.00 pm- 1.15 pm
** Lunch **
Afternoon session
1.15 pm-3.45 pm
Defining and measuring financial inclusion
The results of the registration survey filled out by all
participating institutions at the workshop clearly showed the
need for reaching a common understanding of financial
inclusion and developing a conceptual framework to measure
financial inclusion. This session aims to define the common
elements that make up financial inclusion based on the
background paper summarizing the survey result and country
Open discussion
Definition of financial inclusion: Review framework and
identify key elements
Moderated by
Format: Small
3.45 pm-4.00 pm
** Coffee Break **

If you would like to know the value of money, try to borrow some. | Benjamin Franklin