Office of Inspector General
Licensing Division
PO Box 64242
St. Paul, MN 55164-0242
An equal opportunity and veteran-friendly employer May 2017
Family Child Care Licensing Requirements
Regarding Immunizations
Every licensed family child care provider in Minnesota must follow the requirements
regarding immunizations. Some children may have enrolled in family child care during
infancy, before certain immunizations are given. Please check the records of your children
now, and remind parents to bring in updated records for measles/mumps/rubella (MMR)
and other required vaccines. Make sure you know which children have not been immunized
and might need to stay home if measles comes to your family child care program.
Minnesota Rules, part 9502.0405, subpart 4. Records for each child.
Prior to admission of a child, the family child care provider must obtain documentation of
current immunization according to Minnesota Statutes, section 121A.15, a signed notarized
statement of parental objection to the immunization, or a medical exemption.
In addition, you must request, update, and keep on file the dates of immunizations received
by a child in regular attendance at the residence as follows:
(1) for an infant, every six months
(2) for a toddler, annually;
(3) for a preschool child, every 18 months; and
(4) for a school-age child, every three years.
What documentation do I need to have on file to show current immunizations
of each child?
Parents or legal guardians of children in your care should provide you with a completed
Minnesota Department of Health Child Care Immunization Form. Regularly remind
when shots are due and to provide you with updated information as children receive
additional shots.
You will need this information on file for review by your county licensor. If you do not have
documentation of current immunizations for each child in care, it is a licensing violation.