Wisconsin FBLA Guidelines – Page 61
FBLA Partnership with Business Project
Report Rating Sheet
Description of the partnership goals
Description of the planning activities
used to build a partnership
Roles of business leaders and chapter
members in developing the partnership
Description of the activities implemented
to learn concepts of business operations
Roles of business leaders and chapter
members in implementing the project
Results, concepts learned, and impact of
the project provided
Degree of involvement (e.g., hours
spent, personal contact, and executives
and department heads contacted)
Examples of publicity and recognition
received as a result of the partnership
Clear and concise presentation with
logical arrangement of information
following the rating sheet categories
Professional report design appropriate to
Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling,
and acceptable business style
Penalty Points Deduct five (5) points each for not adhering to Report Guidelines (maximum of twenty
[20] points):
cover incorrect missing table of contents over fifteen (15) pages
no page numbers report format does not follow rating sheet _____