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LMI Help for Workers in the Mortgage and Real Estate Industries of Southern California
Mortgage and Real Estate Industries: Real Estate Sales Agents 1
Real Estate Sales Agents
This information is designed for Real Estate Sales Agents affected by the decline in the mortgage industry in
Southern California. It identifies and describes the current occupation, and profiles six related occupations that
share many of the same skill requirements.
These profiles can be used to help:
Prepare for job interviews and resume writing
Help make training decisions
Explore new career options in occupations that require many of the same skills
Each Occupation Profile contains the following information:
Profile of current occupation, with local labor market information, tasks, and skills information.
Profiles of the most closely-related occupations, based on the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational
Information Network (O*NET).
Each information packet is designed to answer questions like “how much can I expect to earn on this job?” and
“what’s the outlook for this type of work in the next ten years?” Statewide and Southern California counties are
listed with outlook, wage, and training information. To view the outlook in other counties, go to the
LaborMarketInfo Web site at and select the Data Library tab. Under “Data by
Occupation,” select the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) of your choice to view the outlook for a selected
Labor Market Information Division
Workforce Service Branch
Employment Development Department

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