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Budget Planner Date: ____/____/____
Fortnightly Expenses: Complete sections A F to calculate regular fortnightly expenses.
A Housing (fortnightly)
Rent/Board or
Mortgage $______________
Electricity $______________
Gas $______________
Water $______________
Telephone $______________
Other $______________
Total A $______________
D Debts (fortnightly)
Personal loan $______________
Car loan $______________
Credit card $______________
Rent of TV/ $______________
fridge/computer $______________
Other $______________
Total D $______________
B Personal (fortnightly)
Mobile Phone $______________
Cigarettes $______________
Hobbies/Sport $______________
Alcohol $______________
Entertainment $______________
Other $______________
Other $______________
Total B $______________
E Education (fortnightly)
School books $______________
Stationery $______________
Photocopying $______________
Child Care $______________
Other $______________
Other $______________
Total E $______________
C Food (fortnightly)
Lunches $______________
Supermarket $______________
Butcher $______________
Market $______________
Takeaway $______________
Pet food $______________
Other $______________
Total C $______________
F Transport (fortnightly)
Public transport $______________
Petrol $______________
Other $______________
Other $______________
Other $______________
Other $______________
Total F $______________
Annual Expenses: Complete G – I to calculate fortnightly costs of yearly and irregular expenses
G General Expenses (yearly)
Car registration $______________
Car insurance $______________
Car maintenance $______________
House insurance $______________
Council rates $______________
Health insurance $______________
Other $______________
Total G $______________
Divide by 26 to calculate
fortnightly amount
Fortnightly G = $______________
H Education Expenses (yearly)
University fees $______________
Text books $______________
Uniforms $______________
Course materials $______________
School fees $______________
Other $______________
Other $______________
Total H $______________
Divide by 26 to calculate
fortnightly amount
Fortnightly H = $______________
I Personal Expenses (yearly)
Haircuts $______________
Clothes $______________
Shoes $______________
Medical $______________
Dental $______________
Other $______________
Other $______________
Total I $______________
Divide by 26 to calculate
fortnightly amount
Fortnightly I = $______________
Expenses fortnightly
Housing A$___________________+
Personal B$___________________+
Food C$___________________+
Debts D$___________________+
Education E$___________________+
Transport F$___________________+
General G$___________________+
Education H$___________________+
Personal I$___________________+
Emergencies $_____________________
Total all expenses = $_____________________
Income Fortnightly
Source of Income
____________________________ $______________
____________________________ $______________
____________________________ $______________
____________________________ $______________
____________________________ $______________
Total all income $______________
Less total all expenses $______________
Balance $______________

To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart. | Sr. Thomas Watson