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Appeal of Academic Standing
Updated by Student Services, UNB Saint John February 2010
Appeal of Academic Standing
Information for Students
Prepared by Student Services – UNB Saint John
The brief summary below is intended to help students considering appeals of their academic standing. Students are
expected to familiarize themselves with the relevant regulations, particularly those on “EXAMINATION, STANDING
AND PROMOTION,” and “RIGHT OF APPEAL” as found in Section B, IV of the current UNB
. Students required to withdraw should review the information provided with the notification which is mailed
from the Registrar’s office to the student’s local address in June. All students can access their transcripts on line through
their web services at any time. Students who do not pay their tuition fees on time, however, may not have access to their
marks or official transcripts until such fees are paid.
The academic performance of students who were full-time in any “assessment year” (the 12 months from May to April
inclusive) is
assessed in May and based upon the grades received in that assessment year. The academic performance of
part-time students is assessed in May after
the accumulation of a minimum twenty-four (24) credit hours. Students with an
assessment gpa of 2.0 or higher is considered to be “in good standing”. Students with an assessment GPA less than 2.0
will find that their transcripts now bears a comment indicating one of the academic decisions indicated below.
This indicates an assessment year in which the student earned a GPA between 1.1 and 1.9 for the first time.
Students may only go on A.P. once in their program. A.P. warns students that their performance is unacceptable
and that they must increase subsequent assessment gpa’s to at least 2.0 if they wish to remain at UNB and in their
Students on A.P. may be advised by their program or faculty advisor to take a
reduced course load or a carefully
selected course load
in the subsequent year(s) in order to improve their academic standing.
Students are required to withdraw from university when the student earned a GPA of 1.0 or lower OR has gone
below 2.0 in an assessment year for a second time.
The effect is to require a student to take a year off (from May 1 to May 1) to reflect on their goals. Students
cannot attend this or any other university during the year of restriction. Such students ought to seek careful
advice on their career goals and their academic plans before applying to return to university.
Students may appeal an academic decision if they can document and describe grounds or reasons based on “extenuating
circumstances” or events that are “beyond control of the student.” These grounds fall into either medical or
compassionate categories.
Medical grounds pertain to the student’s own health and would include such reasons as
period(s) of hospitalization, an unexpected disability that interfered with schoolwork, etc.
Compassionate grounds
to other reasons such as death in the immediate family, severely disruptive relationship difficulties, etc. All grounds for
appeal must be carefully documented in writing and the effect on the student must be explained in sufficient detail for the
Senate Student Appeals Committee to understand the circumstances. There can be no guarantee that any particular appeal
will succeed.
Students must initiate their appeals no later than JULY 15, (of the same year). Late appeals will not normally be
considered except under extenuating and documented circumstances. This appeal letter must reach the Registrar’s Office
by July 15 although some supporting documentation may come later. Appeals whose documentation is received by July
15 are assured of consideration prior to September registration; those whose documentation is not completed by July 15
will receive consideration but perhaps not prior to September registration. All information revealed in the appeal letter,
documentation and hearing is treated in a confidential manner.

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed. | Henry Ford