I/We the applicant hereby authorise Commercial Property Group Bankstown to obtain a bank opinion and make trade and other enquiries. The applicant agrees that submission of this application does not
constitute any acceptance by the owner of the applicants offer to lease the demised premises. The applicant warrants and hereby declares that he/she (as directors of the lessee company in applicable) is or
are not bankrupt or an undisclosed bankrupt. I/We the above mentioned applicant do solemnly declare that the information as shown above is true and correct by virtue of the provisions of the
Oaths Act 1990.
Privacy Act 1988
The personal information the prospective tenant provides in this application or collected from other sources is necessary for the Agent to verify the Applicants identity, to process and evaluate the application
and to manage the tenancy, Personal information collected about the applicant in this and during the course of the tenancy if the application is successful may be disclosed for the purpose for which it was
collected to other parties including to the landlord, referees, other agents and third party operators of tenancy reference databases. Information already held on tenancy reference databases may be
disclosed to the Agents and/or Landlord. If the Applicant enters into an Agreements and if the Applicant fails to comply with their obligations under that agreement, the fact and the other relevant personal
information collected about the Applicant during the course of the tenancy may be disclosed to the landlord, and/or other agents. If the Applicant would like to access the personal information the Agent
holds, they can do so by contacting Commercial Property Group Bankstown (as below), The Applicant can also correct this information if it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.
If the information is not provided, the Agent may not be able to process the application and manage the tenancy
Company/ Business/ Personal Name:
Address of premises currently leased/owned by applicant:
Landlord/ Managing Agent:
How long have you been at the current premises?
If less than two (2) years, previous leased premises & name of landlord/agent: