HMRC or Border Force address Your details: Name
Daytime phone number
Seizure reference number:
Place and date of seizure:
Things to be included in your claim (use continuation sheet as necessary)
Owner: Thing: Quantity: (for example,
show kilos of rolling
tobacco, number of
cigarettes, litres of alcohol
and brand names)
I*/We*, the undersigned, wish to challenge the legality of
HM Revenue and Customs’*/Border Force’s* seizure of the thing(s)
listed above*/and on the attached sheet*.
I*/We* understand that my*/our* Notice of Claim will trigger HMRC or
Border Force to start court proceedings to decide if the seizure was lawful.
*Delete as appropriate.
Signed: Signed: Signed:
Print name: Print name: Print name:
Address: Address: Address:
Remember to:
• make sure each person challenging the seizure provides their full name
and address
• include proof of ownership (particularly important for vehicles) and any
documents that support your claim
• use continuation sheets where necessary to include all relevant information
Notice of Claim – example letter
Notice 12A, ‘What you can do if things are seized by HM Revenue and Customs
or Border Force’